salon / lit reading / art show / magazine / party / chaos


CULT CHAOS is a salon, lit reading, art show, discussion, performance, exhibition, gathering, soiree, party — it’s chaos.

Hosted every several weeks with a different theme each time. 

To join the waitlist, please sign up here


The salon will launch the new theme each time. After the salon, the open call will open for the magazine. The magazine will feature work both written and visual centering around the current issue. Any artwork and any written work is eligible. 

Click here to submit your work

Submissions are open through JUNE 2. 


The first Salon was held on April 25, kicking off the current issue of BODIES. If you would like to submit to the magazine, click here

The theme is very open ended. The first theme is BODIES. You can talk about your human body and anything you do with it. Show work that involves bodies. Or work with an absence of bodies. Discuss an issue relating to bodies. Go rogue and discuss bodies of water or car bodies. 



About CULT CHAOS salon. 

It's a salon. It's a lit reading. It's an art show. It's a party. It's chaos. 

Participation levels are entirely up to you. You can be one of the speakers, readers, performers, artists, exhibitors, or you can come and be an audience member.

You are free to interpret the theme however you wish, and to contribute however you desire. Have an art series you’d like to show? Just wrote a new short story? Dying to show a new film you made? Want to critique pop culture? Teach us about the history of art? Show a smashcut of films? Dive into theory? Read a page from your diary? Dreaming of doing splits in someone’s living room? Wonderful, we can’t wait.

Each participant has several minutes for their showcase or to lead a chat. Then there will be a few minutes of salon discussion.

If you would rather be an attendant rather than a showcasing participant, fantastic. Don’t worry, there is still a lot of opportunities to take part, whether through the salon discussion after showcases, or by chatting more individually with people throughout the evening. Or, if you would like to exhibit work, written or visual, but would prefer to do it without a discussion portion, that is absolutely achievable as well. It’s all incredibly flexible.

Cult Chaos is for community, creativity, and of course, a bit of chaos.

Some FAQs:

I'd love to participate. What does that look like?
Each participant will have about five or so minutes to do anything they wish with it. You can do any kind of lit reading, show any kind of artwork, launch a group discussion, play films or video work, pop up some posters, put on a performance -- literally anything you want to. Then there will be a few minutes of salon discussion.

If I don't get up in front of everyone, can I still participate in some way?
Absolutely. There will be a lot of options for participation, such as engaging in salon discussion and of course hanging out during and after the salon portion. Or if you'd like to show work and have it up around the house and not do a presentation of it, that's cool too.

Do I need to participate?
Nope zero pressure whatsoever to do a reading or show work.

If I decide on the day I'd like to show something, is that okay?
Totally. We'll leave some space at the end for anyone who wishes to pop up and share something. 

Where is it hosted? 
In the host's home in London. 

How can I attend?  
As it is held in the host's home, space is limited and rsvps are essential. If you would like to be considered for the next salon, please fill out this form. 

When is the next one?  
Date to be announced.  

This is very chaotic. 
I warned you. 

How can I attend? 
Please sign up for the waitlist here

About CULT CHAOS (alt) magazine. 

CULT CHAOS is also an (alt) magazine featuring both visual art and written work. 

All types of visual art and written work is welcome. 

Visual art may include photography, painting, printmaking, filmmaking, video, drawing, comics, images, illustration, collage, ceramics, sculpture, general chaos -- all visual art.

Written work may include fiction, non-fiction, essays, narrative, memoir, theory, research, short stories, poetry, analysis, culture, cross-genre, book reviews, general rants. 

The salon officially kicks off each new theme. Those who participate in the salon are immediately eligible to be in the magazine. 

If you would like to submit work for the magazine, please click here

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